Phase of Learning 5-1: Year 11

Further information and resource material is grouped under the Themes of Te Atua God, Te Rongopai Good News, Ā Tātou Whakapapa Our Story, and Kia Noho Hāhi Being Church.

The Touchstone focus is Whakawhirinaki Trusted

  • God’s grace can be ignored or embraced – God trusts us to decide which we will do.
  • God entrusts people to be responsible for their personal holiness and to share their ways to grow in holiness with others.
  • Together we are trusted to build the reign of God, and to live lives that are happy
  • and whole.
  • God trusts us to live lives of justice, and we build trust with others through our integrity in personal and social relationships.
  • In prayer we are not alone, God walks with us.
AO9: Recognise the taonga of being a person of integrity, what happens when we lose integrity, and what we can do to repair it.