PL 5-1: Kia Noho Hāhi Being Church (Year 11)

Overview: Achievement Objectives

There are a range of Ngā Whāinga Paetae Achievement Objectives (AOs) which are the essential areas of knowledge, and each AO must be covered over all the phases of learning. Teachers may choose how to group these, including making choices regarding effective integration into the wider school curriculum.

Ngā Kaupapa
Content Area
Phase of Learning: 5-1
Theme: Kia Noho Hāhi Being Church
Touchstone: Whakawhirinaki Trusted
Content Area Title 
Focus Question
Being Human
How can I have a good life?
Content Area Aims
• Understand the nature of sin, reconciliation and conscience and develop moral decision-making skills.
• Understand the sources, nature and function of Christian morality and explore specific Church teachings including the consistent ethic of life.
General to Content Area Young people will:
AO1 Develop skills necessary for moral decision making and understand the nature and function of conscience.
AO2 Investigate specific current moral issues in the light of Catholic teaching on human dignity.
AO3 Optional.
Mana Tapu
AO4 Explain what values are, identify and reflect on important values in our lives and recognise the sources of Christian morality.
Aroha Pūmau
AO5 Explain the difference between values and virtues and understand the Church’s teachings on virtues and how these are integrated into our spiritual journey.
AO6 Examine ways that the teachings and traditions of the Church offer us opportunities and examples for giving and receiving forgiveness, peace and reconciliation.
AO7 Explore the nature of our personal integrity and mana, freedom and moral responsibility in our personal growth.
AO8 Reflect on the impact of brokenness and consider ways to mend these situations and take action to bring about healing. (Me pēhea te rongoa o te ngāhere, moana, noha ai?)
School Level AO
Te Kōhatu:

Whakawhirinaki – Trusted
AO9 Recognise the taonga of being a person of integrity, what happens when we lose integrity, and what we can do to repair it.