Phase of Learning 4: Year 9-10

Further information and resource material is grouped under the Themes of Te Atua God, Te Rongopai Good News, Ā Tātou Whakapapa Our Story, and Kia Noho Hāhi Being Church.

The Touchstone focus is Tūhono Connected

  • God’s grace connects us with God, each other and the world.
  • Holiness is nurtured in community – through prayer, good works and service in relationship with others.
  • We, and those who came before us, are connected to one-another as Church, with a rich history and Tradition.
  • Justice is understood in relation to others. It requires us to understand the dignity and rights of others.
  • We are connected as a Church in prayer, and we join those praying at other places and times.
AO9: Develop understanding of our inter-connectedness with one another and with God as we share our spiritual journey;
AND develop connections with parish and diocese to increase our sense of being part of the Catholic Church.