PL 4: Te Rongopai Good News (Year 9-10)

Overview: Achievement Objectives

There are a range of Ngā Whāinga Paetae Achievement Objectives (AOs) which are the essential areas of knowledge, and each AO must be covered over all the phases of learning. Teachers may choose how to group these, including making choices regarding effective integration into the wider school curriculum.

Ngā Kaupapa
Content Area
Phase of Learning: 4
Theme: Te Rongopai Good News
Touchstone: Tūhono Connected
Content Area Title 
Focus Question
Creation, Covenant and Freedom
What is the Bible for?
Content Area Aims
• Develop an understanding that the Bible tells us of our relationship with God through a journey from Creation to Revelation.
• Explore how biblical concepts of covenant, commandment and freedom inform our own personal and collective journey.
General to Content Area Young people will:
AO1 Appreciate the concept and significance of the complete biblical journey that has a beginning and an end, and which tells of God’s relationship with humans and the covenants that God made with them.
AO2 Understand God’s role in Creation, the concept of co-creation and recognise that all people are called to co-operate with God by caring for Creation and expressing our own creativity.
AO3 Explore the place of journey stories in the Bible and consider how these stories are helpful to our own hīkoi wairua.
Mana Tapu
AO4 Explore our freedom to accept or reject God’s offer of a relationship by examining biblical examples of people making this decision.
Aroha Pūmau
AO5 Examine the biblical commandments investigating the context they emerged from and how they underpin societies and demand our response today.
AO6 Understand that there are two creation accounts in Genesis that contain religious truths and explain how these stories have influenced recent Church teaching.
AO7 Explore, from the perspective of slavery and racism, how the Bible has been used selectively to support injustice but has also been used as a source of hope and liberation.
AO8 Explore how the biblical text has been used in songs and prayers of freedom and create similar examples. (Ko wai ngā poropiti Māori? He aha a rātou korero?)
School Level AO
Te Kōhatu:

Tūhono – Connected
AO9 Develop understanding of our inter-connectedness with one another and with God as we share our spiritual journey; AND develop connections with parish and diocese to increase our sense of being part of the Catholic Church.