Phase of Learning 1: Year 1-2

Further information and resource material is grouped under the Themes of Te Atua God, Te Rongopai Good News, Ā Tātou Whakapapa Our Story, and Kia Noho Hāhi Being Church. 

The Touchstone focus is Whakatau Welcomed

  • God’s grace is offered to everyone.
  • Some people, places, times and objects are holy because they share in God’s holiness.
  • God welcomes us into the world, knows us by name, cares for us and wants us to be happy.
  • Jesus welcomes all and shows us how to treat ourselves, others and the earth fairly.
  • We can always pray to God, and God always hears us.

AO9: Grow in understanding that we are welcomed as part of God’s family, and our Catholic School Community welcomes and supports us on our Spiritual Journey and encourages us to apply our learning to support others to feel welcomed and included at school by our words and actions.